
Towns in a Rural World [Hardcover]

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  • Category: Books (Political Science)
  • Author:  Vaz, Teresa de Noronha, Leeuwen, Eveline van
  • Author:  Vaz, Teresa de Noronha, Leeuwen, Eveline van
  • ISBN-10:  140940692X
  • ISBN-10:  140940692X
  • ISBN-13:  9781409406921
  • ISBN-13:  9781409406921
  • Publisher:  Routledge
  • Publisher:  Routledge
  • Pages:  416
  • Pages:  416
  • Binding:  Hardcover
  • Binding:  Hardcover
  • Pub Date:  01-Oct-2013
  • Pub Date:  01-Oct-2013
  • SKU:  140940692X-11-MPOD
  • SKU:  140940692X-11-MPOD
  • Item ID: 100928273
  • Seller: ShopSpell
  • Ships in: 2 business days
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  • Delivery by: Apr 03 to Apr 05
  • Notes: Brand New Book. Order Now.
Focusing on the strategic position of towns in rural development, this book explores how they act as hotspots for knowledge creation, diffusion for vital business life and innovation, and social networks and community bonds. By doing so, towns - even the smallest - can cope with processes of socio-economic decline and promote a geographically balanced income distribution and sustainable production structure. The contributors to this volume examine how to take advantage of the great potential offered by urban areas in the rural world to favour competitiveness and encourage economic activity. Taking a European perspective, the authors identify the main socio-economic advantages generated by urbanized population settlements that small and medium-sized rural towns can provide. Although much attention is currently focused on the efficient use of scarce natural resources and land, they argue that towns have an increasingly important economic and social role to play in rural areas.Contents: Preface; Part I Introduction: Small towns of hope and glory, Teresa de Noronha Vaz and Peter Nijkamp; Towns today and their multifunctional activities, Eveline van Leeuwen. Part II Rural Networks and Partnerships: The role of small and medium-sized towns in local and regional economies, Waldemar Ratajczak; Market potential and new firm formation, Jenny Grek, Charlie Karlsson and Johan Klaesson; Critique of new economic geography to understand rural development: the influence of corporate strategy, Jos? Ant??nio Porf??rio; Public-private partnership in small and medium-sized towns, Jos? Luis Navarro Espigares and Jos? Antonio Camacho Ballesta; Social and political determinants of the area of influence of medium-sized cities in Portugal, Ana Paula Barreira. Part III Knowledge Transfers in Rural Environments: Technological transfer in the perspective of town dimension: the case of Oxford and Oxfordshire in the UK, Helen Lawton Smith and John Glasson; Divided knowledge on small and medium-ls5
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