Trauma and Psychosisprovides a valuable contribution to the current understanding of the possible relationships between the experience of trauma and the range of phenomena currently referred to as psychosis.
Warren Larkin and Anthony P. Morrison bring together contributions from leading clinicians and researchers in a range of fields including clinical psychology, mental health nursing and psychiatry. The book is divided into three parts, providing comprehensive coverage of the relevant research and clinical applications. Part I: Research and Theoretical Perspectivesprovides the reader with a broad understanding of current and developing theoretical perspectives. Part II: Specific Populationsexamines the relationship between trauma and psychotic experiences in specific populations. Part III: From Theory to Therapydraws together current knowledge and investigates how it might be used to benefit individuals experiencing psychosis.
This book will be invaluable for clinicians and researchers interested in gaining a greater insight into the interaction between trauma and psychosis.
Os,Foreword. Introduction. PartI: Research and Theoretical Perspectives. Bentall, The Environment and Psychosis: Rethinking the Evidence. Read, Rudegeair, Farrelly, The Relationship Between Child Abuse and Psychosis: Public Opinion, Evidence, Pathways and Implications. Bendall, McGorry, Krstev,The Trauma of Being Psychotic: An Analysis of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Response to Acute Psychosis. Jankowski, Mueser, Rosenberg, Psychosis with Comorbid PTSD. Fowler, Freeman, Steel, Hardy, Smith, Hackman, Kuipers, Garety, Bebbington, The Catal“©