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This book is intended to serve as an introduction to the multidisciplinary ?eld of anomalous diffusion in complex systems such as turbulent plasma, convective rolls, zonal ?ow systems, stochastic magnetic ?elds, etc. In spite of its great importance, turbulent transport has received comparatively little treatment in published mo- graphs. This book attempts a comprehensive description of the scaling approach to turbulent diffusion. From the methodological point of view, the book focuses on the general use of correlation estimates, quasilinear equations, and continuous time random walk - proach. I provide a detailed structure of some derivations when they may be useful for more general purposes. Correlation methods are ?exible tools to obtain tra- port scalings that give priority to the richness of ingredients in a physical pr- lem. The mathematical description developed here is not meant to provide a set of recipes for hydrodynamical turbulence or plasma turbulence; rather, it serves to develop the readers physical intuition and understanding of the correlation mec- nisms involved.
This book provides the first introduction to the multidisciplinary field of turbulent transport in complex systems. There is emphasis on the scaling approach as opposed to techniques based on the quantitative analysis of underlying transport equations.
This book is intended to serve as an introduction to the multidisciplinary ?eld of anomalous diffusion in complex systems such as turbulent plasma, convective rolls, zonal ?ow systems, stochastic magnetic ?elds, etc. In spite of its great importance, turbulent transport has received comparatively little treatment in published mo- graphs. This book attempts a comprehensive description of the scaling approach to turbulent diffusion. From the methodological point of view, the book focuses on the general use of correlation estimates, quasilinear equations, and continuous time random walk - proach. I provide a detailed structulÃaCopyright © 2018 - 2024 ShopSpell