An essential guide for church leaders to help them incorporatethe Twelve Keys
As a companion to Twelve Keys to an Effective Church, theLeader's Guide provides ideas and suggestions on how to lead usingthe Twelve Keys model, how to handle congregational dynamics, plusguidelines on leading a Twelve Keys Planning Retreat to prepare forthe future. * Shows how to use the Twelve Keys model within acongregation * Offers helpful resources and suggestions for encouragingaction, implementation, and momentum * Includes guidelines on leading a Twelve Keys Planning Retreatto prepare for the future * Written by Kennon L. Callahan, the pastor who developed theTwelve Keys method
This book will help church leaders implement the Twelve Keysmodel and handle the many other factors that make a churcheffective and successful.Introduction: Leaders and Long-range Planning.
Part One: Resources for Long-range Planning.
1. The Four Stages and Six Sessions.
2. Timelines, Objectives, and Long-range Planning.
3. The Major Qualitative Resources for Long-range Planning.
4. The Four Invitational Questions.
5. What to Listen For and Look For.
6. Principles for Participation.
Part Two: Resources for Action, Implementation, and Momentum.
7. An Effective Long-range Plan.
8. Leaders and Key Objectives.
9. Motivational Resources.
10. Leadership Development: Focusing on the Middle Third.
11. Excellent Mistakes and Objectives Worth Not Doing.
12. Prayer: Vision and Hope.
Part Three: Four Dynamics to Consider.
13. Memory, Change, Conflict, and Hope. The church has had to wait too long for this indl³9