Previously known as Baldock: Understanding Early Years Policy is in its Fourth Edition. This best-selling textbook continues to provide fully updated coverage of all the latest developments in early years policy such as the revised Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), SEND Code of Practice 0-25 years and the Children and Families Act 2014.
Exploring how policy is made, implemented, analysed and developed over time this book presents a complete overview of early years policy and an evaluation of its ongoing impact on practice.
This Fourth Edition has been significantly updated to include:
- Full coverage of the 2010-2015 UK Coalition Government.
- A comprehensive timeline of Early Years policy
- Guidance on how to research policy for yourself
- More international case studies, now including the US and Scandinavia.
- New material on how to manage policy changes as a practitioner
- An expandedfocus of the devolved countries within the UK
This text is an essential read for early years students at all levels, and early years practitioners.
This new fourth edition takes the reader through the complex network of policy development with activities which make a potentially dry subject matter come alive.