Urban sketching takes its inspiration from the living, breathing world around us. This book includes a range of techniques specific to this new artistic genre, from tips on capturing subjects that are on the move to the art of adding commentary to sketches. More than 350 full-color illustrations.While most sketching guides leave the artist with static bowls of fruit and flower vases to develop their skill,Urban Sketchingtakes its inspiration from the living, breathing world around us! Contents include the nuts and bolts of sketching and drawing as well as a range of techniques specific to this artistic genre. Readers will discover:
Rules on perspective that will aid inn capturing landscapes, buildings, and objects accurately
Tips for capturing the essence of people in sketches when subjects are on the move
The art of adding notes, commentary, and even speech to sketches
Chapters on sharing sketches through social media, joining the international urban sketching community, digitizing work, and more make this new guide the quintessential resource for anyone interested in joining the exciting art movement. More than 350 full-color illustrations throughout. There's a chapter on choosing a sketchbook, and a chapter on pencils and pens and paintbrushes, there are chapters on technique for lighting, for drawing heads and hands and feet, all the requisite chapters for a how-to-draw book. What makes this book so useful are the chapters on more nebulous concepts, like how to choose a subject, or what to do when people notice you drawing. What Chapman's book does that makes it so helpful is that, instead of saying, One day you might be able to do this, and maybe people will take you seriously, Chapman makes you, the artist, feel like a confident member of an envied community. She notes that almost everyone wishes they could draw, so the very idea that you're doing it at all makes you seem incredible. --San Francisco Book Review, www.salC%