Using Cases in Higher Education: A Guide for Faculty and Administrators is an essential resource created for faculty and administrators who utilize case studies to analyze, assess, and respond to the complex and difficult issues facing higher education leaders. While this volume will prove useful with any case study, it is specifically designed to complement the series of casebooks and teaching notes, starting with Casebook I: Faculty Employment Policies and Teaching Notes to Casebook I: Faculty Employment Policies.
Preface vii
Introduction: Teaching and Learning with Case Studies xi
1. Overview: Using Cases in Higher Education 1
2. Case Studies as Teaching Tools 13
3. Essential Elements of Effective Case Teaching 23
4. Post-Discussion Learning 49
Annotated Bibliography 55
Appendix: Kansas State University Case 61
Index 91
James P. Honan is lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School ofEducation. He served as educational program chair for the Projecton Faculty Appointments at the Harvard Graduate School ofEducation.
Cheryl Sternman Rule served as research analyst for the Project onFaculty Appointments at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Using Cases in Higher Education: A Guide for Faculty and Administrators is an essential resource created for faculty and administrators who utilize case studies to analyze, assess, and respond to the complex and difficult issues facing higher education leaders. While this volume will prove useful with any case study, it is specifically designed to complement the series of casebooks and teaching notes, starting with
Casebook I: Faculty Employment Policies and
Teaching Notes to Casebook I: Faculty Employment Policies. Using Cases in Higher Education will help instructlƒ¡