Ever get the feeling that your coworkers don't understand you?
Misunderstanding through poor communication is rampant in theworkplace, yet most workers just shrug their shoulders and acceptmisunderstanding as a fact of life. In Why Didn't You Say thatin the First Place?, the author offers a path to clearcommunication by demonstrating how we can always reach full mutualunderstanding with others by using the power of plain talk in asystematic way.
You'll discover:
* Why nobody understands you
* Why misunderstanding is normal
* The power of strategic talk
* Communicating when understanding is critical
It is full of anecdotes, illustrations, sample conversations, andchecklists to show readers how misunderstandings can be preventedin everyday settings.
Preface xi
Acknowledgements xvii
The Author xix
Part One Why Nobody Understands You
1 For Your Ears Only: Why Misunderstanding Is Normal 3
2 Beyond Mind Reading: The Power of Strategic Talk 24
Part Two How You Can Increase the Odds in Your Favor
3 When Words Are Deeds: Talk That Make Work Happen 51
4 Hearing Is Believing: Talk and the Written Word 72
5 Differences That Make a Difference: Talking Across Stereotypes 92
Part Three What Your Organization Can Do to Help
6 Building a Culture That Supports Understanding 113
7 Communicating When Understanding Is Critical 135
8 Creating a New Accountability 155
References 175
Index 177
Easy to read...easy to use...clear and concise...a practical guidethat empowers the reader with techniques and strategies thatguarantee true communicative understandil!