This nuts-and-bolts workbook is designed as a guide for members of strategic planning committees in higher education. The book is filled with information, tools, and visual material that complement the companion book Strategic Change in Colleges and Universities. This workbook offers a concise background to the strategic planning process and focuses on the ten critical steps of the process, from developing performance indicators through implementing, evaluating, and revising the strategic plan. Each section helps users work carefully and thoughtfully through the tasks of assembling, interpreting, and making decisions about critical information relating to the process.
Preface xi
The Authors xix
Introduction: The Strategies Planning Process 1
Step 1 Developing Key Performances Indicators 15
Step 2 Assessing the External Environment 41
Step 3 Assessing the Internal Environment 67
Step 4 Analyzing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats 99
Step 5 Generating Ideas 107
Step 6 Testing Ideas 123
Step 7 Formulating Strategies, Goals, and Objectives 133
Step 8 Determining Institutional Readiness for Change 155
Step 9 Implementing the Strategy and Documenting Impacts 163
Step 10 Evaluating and Revising the Plan 171
References 177
Index 179
MICHAEL G. DOLENCE is president of Michael G. Dolence and Associates. Formerly he served as strategic planning administrator for the California State University, Los Angeles, and as director of research, planning and policy analysis at the Commission on IndepAndent Colleges and Universities in New York.
DANIEL JAMES ROWLEY is professor of management in the College of Business at the Universityl£º