
The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States [Paperback]

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  • Category: Books (Biography & Autobiography)
  • Author:  Adams, John
  • Author:  Adams, John
  • ISBN-10:  1108031579
  • ISBN-10:  1108031579
  • ISBN-13:  9781108031578
  • ISBN-13:  9781108031578
  • Publisher:  Cambridge University Press
  • Publisher:  Cambridge University Press
  • Pages:  704
  • Pages:  704
  • Binding:  Paperback
  • Binding:  Paperback
  • Pub Date:  01-May-2011
  • Pub Date:  01-May-2011
  • SKU:  1108031579-11-MPOD
  • SKU:  1108031579-11-MPOD
  • Item ID: 100924331
  • Seller: ShopSpell
  • Ships in: 2 business days
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  • Delivery by: Mar 17 to Mar 19
  • Notes: Brand New Book. Order Now.
Volume 1 of this 18506 compilation contains a biography of Adams by his son, John Quincy Adams.The highly educated lawyer John Adams (17351826) became a central figure in the American Revolution and is regarded, with Jefferson, as the father of the United States Constitution. Published in 18506, this collection includes diaries, correspondence and political writings. Volume 1 contains a biography written by his son.The highly educated lawyer John Adams (17351826) became a central figure in the American Revolution and is regarded, with Jefferson, as the father of the United States Constitution. Published in 18506, this collection includes diaries, correspondence and political writings. Volume 1 contains a biography written by his son.John Adams (17351826) was a highly educated and enlightened lawyer who became a central figure in the American Revolution. As a political theorist he influenced the constitutions of the former British colonies in America, and he is regarded, with Jefferson, as the father of the United States Constitution. First published in 18506, this collection brings together Adams' major writings. Given their influence not only on the United States, but also on other republics, Adams' works rank among the most important political writings of their time. Volume 1 contains a biography by Adams' son, John Quincy Adams, the sixth President. It begins by establishing the pedigree of the Adams family, and goes on to give an account of Adams' life that includes extracts from letters to his friends and colleagues and passages from his diary which reveal his political, moral and social concerns.Preface; Preliminary - respecting the family of Adams; 1. Education of Mr. Adams; 2. Study and practice of the law until March, 1770; 3. The Boston Massacre; 4. Entrance into public life; 5. Conference with Lord Howe; 6. Commission to France; 7. The negotiation and signature of the treaty of peace with Great Britain; 8. Illness in Europe; 9. Organization of the lĂ"
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