The health of a population is most accurately reflected in the rate of growth of its children.The first edition (C.U.P. 1976) included all known valid statistics on height, weight, skinfolds, and other body measurements. In addition to new studies, many subsequent measurements taken between 1976 and 1988 are included in this revision.The first edition (C.U.P. 1976) included all known valid statistics on height, weight, skinfolds, and other body measurements. In addition to new studies, many subsequent measurements taken between 1976 and 1988 are included in this revision.The health of a population is most accurately reflected in the rate of growth of its children. This theme, prevalent in this book, underlies the analysis and presentation of what is by far the largest compilation of growth data ever assembled in one source. The first edition, published in 1976, included all known reliable recent results on height, weight, skinfolds, and other body measurements from all parts of the globe. In this edition, numerous subsequent measurements taken between 1976 and 1988 have been included, as well as the results of a large number of new studies made on rate of maturation as evinced by bone age and pubertal development stages. Many sections of the book dwell on disentangling the effects of the environment and heredity on growth, and attempt to answer the question of whether one universal standard suffices for all peoples of the world or whether different populations (such as races or nations) should each have their own optimal growth standards.Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction to comparative growth studies: methods and standards; 2. Europeans in Europe; 3. European descendants in Australasia, Africa and the Americas; 4. Africans in Africa and of African ancestry; 5. Asiatics in Asia and the Americas 6. Indo-Mediterraneans in the Near East, North Africa and India; 7. Australian Aborigines and Pacific Island peoples; 8. Rate of maturation: population differences in skell£.