The Yoga Adventure for Childrenis an illustrated manual for teachers at primary schools and yoga teachers who wish to create children's classes. Featuring 80 drawings of poses, the book playfully acquaints children with yoga stretches and postures and the philosophy behind the practice. Blending yoga, play, dance, music, drama, and drawing, the book requires very little preparation before use. Parents too can shareThe Yoga Adventure for Childrenwith their child at home. Practicing yoga together offers an opportunity to both parents and the child to laugh, play, and have fun together.
Many yoga positions are inspired by animals and stimulate suppleness and strength, and all aspects of yoga are included in the games: relaxation, breathing, concentration, meditation, self-awareness, and visualization. Concepts like karma, chakra, and the elements are explained and developed without too much confusing detail. The games in this book can also be used to increase children's concentration and self-esteem, and to stimulate them to express more creativity, imagination, and better social skills.
Have you ever practiced yoga? Yoga has been around for many years. Many grownups have practiced yoga to calm their emotions and increase physical strength. Helen Purpehart has created a book which focuses on children doing yoga as a way to gain self-confidence, coordination and flexibility.
The Yoga Adventure for Childrenis a valuable resource. There are many pages of yoga exercises for kids to try. Each exercise is illustrated with step-by-step instructions. There are many childf riendly stories included to help the older children with the concepts presented. Kids of all ages will enjoy the many yoga exercises in this book. Teachers may even use this as a manual to assist them in introducing yoga to their classrooms.
I found many of these exercises to relax me. I tend to get nervous when taking tests. Maybe I will be able tolƒn