Glade B. Curtis, MD, MPH, is board-certified by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the father of five. He lives in Utah.
Judith Schuler, MS, the mother of one son, has a master's degree in Consumer and Family Studies. She divides her time between Wyoming and Arizona.
Deseret News, 5/11/10A concise and easy-to-understand guidebook for each week of your baby's life. Busy parents will find a wealth of information they can absorb in small snippets according to the age of their child
When compared to other child-care books on the market,
Your Baby's First Year, Week by Weekhas a wealth of information. You won't just learn general facts about how your baby should be moving and growingthe weekly format allows you to learn in great detail how your child should be acting, moving and growing.”
Tucson Citizen, 5/13/10A guide that new mothers and fathers have come to depend on. Each of the fifty-two weeks of the baby's first year features a wealth of medical facts in addition to invaluable coping and planning advice.”
A helpful reference for new parents...Provides helpful forms for recording information and important dates. Selected topics, such as breastfeeding and well-baby checkups, are covered in depth in the appendices... The subjects covered are topical and up to date. The information is presented in an easy-to-understand format with a minimum of medical jargon... The first aid and medical guidelines will be useful beyond a baby's first year, including suggestions for home care and when to call the doctor... The complex task of caring for a baby is made easier by having a comprehensive reference such as this.
Fresno Book Review I like that this book is broken down into easily digestible bits of advice so I can just read about what developments I might expect from my newborn in the week ahead rather thl32