An assessment of government policies of intervention in the youth labour market in Britain.This book assesses the role of government training and employment policies in the youth labour market in Britain. Based on extensive field research, it presents a comprehensive survey of this important and developing branch of labour economics, and its conclusions have serious implications for future government policy.This book assesses the role of government training and employment policies in the youth labour market in Britain. Based on extensive field research, it presents a comprehensive survey of this important and developing branch of labour economics, and its conclusions have serious implications for future government policy.This book is concerned with the effects of successive government policies to promote the vocational education, training and employment of young people. The treatment is both historical and analytical, and is based on extensive field research. The Youth Labour Market in Britain studies over time demographic, educational, economic and technological developments, that have greatly influenced the youth labor market, and relates them to assessments of the effects on employers and the national economy. These effects are compared with the alternative, no-policy positions.Preface and acknowledgements; 1. Introduction; 2. Demographic structure, capacity and economic activity; 3. Supply to the youth labour market; 4. Vocational and educational training in historical perspective; 5. Direct government intervention: early schemes; 6. The development of the modern system of youth training; 7. The first stage in the vocational education and training sequence; 8. Methodology of assessment; 9. An assessment of the economic effects of the Youth Training Scheme upon employment and employers; 10. Some macroeconomic effects of YTS; 11. The skill attainments of YTS trainees in relation to the demand for skilled labour; 12. The devolution of intervention and the movemelC"