Sakamichi Onoda's first race...and his first road racer!
Sakamichi Onoda finds himself in his first real road race following his fateful encounter with fellow first-years and road-racing hopefuls--the driven ace, Shunsuke Imaizumi, and the gifted sprinter and Speedster of Naniwa, Shoukichi Naruko! But the heated first-years' race for team Sohoku is serious business, and Onoda's competing on his granny bike!! After struggling to keep up, Onoda trades in his old bike midrace for a brand-spankin'-new road bike, and his slumbering potential comes bursting out!! But will it be enough to ride to the top?!
Wataru Watanabe is the creator of the long-running, fan favorite sports manga series
Yowamushi Pedal.