“The real cycle you’re working on is a cycle called ‘yourself.’”
One of the most important and influential books of the past half-century, Robert M. Pirsig’sZen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenanceis a powerful, moving, and penetrating examination of how we live and a meditation on how to live better. Pirsig’s narrative of a father and son on a summer motorcycle trip across America’s Northwest becomes a profound personal and philosophical odyssey into life’s fundamental questions. A true modern classic, it remains at once touching and transcendent, resonant with the myriad confusions of existence and the small, essential triumphs that propel us forward.
An unforgettable trip.The book is inspired, original. . . . The analogies with Moby-Dick are patent.Profoundly important...full of insights into our most perplexing contemporary dilemmas.It is filled with beauty. . .a finely made whole that seems to emanate from a very special grace.A miracle . . . sparkles like an electric dream.