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A Reference Guide to Electrochemical Material...
Accounting: Principles and Practices [Hardcov
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Advanced Researches in Materials Science and...
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Aerospace Engineering and Thermodynamics [Har...
Algebra: Advanced Mathematics [Hardcover]
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Applied Engineering Sciences [Hardcover]
Applied Mathematics for Engineers [Hardcover]
Applied Mathematics: A Multidisciplinary Appr...
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Artificial Intelligence in the 21st Century [...
Artificial Intelligence: Concepts and Applica...
Artificial Neural Netorks: Advanced Principl...
Asphalt: Materials Science and Technology [Ha...
Asset Management [Hardcover]
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Behavioral Science [Hardcover]
Biomaterials Engineering [Hardcover]
Biomaterials: Principles and Practices [Hardc
Biomimetic Robotics [Hardcover]
Biosensors: Science And Technology [Hardcover
Building Construction and Architecture [Hardc
Building Materials and Construction [Hardcove
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Business Communication: Strategies and Practi...
Business Ethics and Principles [Hardcover]
Business Management: A Practical Approach [Ha...
Business Management: Integrating Planning and...
Business Management: Principles And Practices...
Business and Finance: Global Perspectives [Ha...
Calculus: An Introduction [Hardcover]
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Chemical Biology: Methodology and Application...
Chemical Engineering Handbook [Hardcover]
Chemical Engineering: Principles and Practice...
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Chemistry of Nanostructures [Hardcover]
Chemistry: An Analytical Approach [Hardcover]
Chemistry: Principles, Techniques and Applica...
Civil Engineering [Hardcover]
Civil Engineering: Development, Design And An...
Civil Engineering: Materials and Technology [...
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Classical Electromagnetism [Hardcover]
Classical Mechanics [Hardcover]
Classroom Management [Hardcover]
Classroom Management: Effective Strategies [H...
Cloud Architecture and Engineering [Hardcover
Cloud Computing: Theory and Applications [Har...
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Computational Mathematics: Concepts and Appli...
Computational Mathematics: Modeling, Analysis...
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Computational Neuroscience: Modeling and Appl...
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Control Systems: Design, Applications and Imp...
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environme...
Corporate Social Responsibility: Strategies a...
Corrosion Engineering: An Introduction [Hardc
Creating and Managing Environments for Teleco...
Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice [Hardco
Culture and Religious Studies [Hardcover]
Current Developments in Railay Engineering a...
Current Issues and Challenges in Socio-Cultur...
Current Progress in Biorobotics, Mechatronics...
Current Progress in Education Research [Hardc
Current Progress in Signal Processing [Hardco
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Current Trends in Business and Economics [Har...
Current Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Ind...
Customer Relationship Management: A Strategic...
Customer Relationship Management: Concepts an...
Data Security and Communication Netorks [Har...
Database Systems: Design, Implementation and...
Demography: Population Study and Analysis [Ha...
Differential & Difference Equations for E...
Differential & Difference Equations: Theo...
Digital Archaeology: Current Techniques and A...
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Digital Literacy: Programs, Frameorks and Mo...
Digital Multimedia Broadcasting [Hardcover]
Digital Signal Processing [Hardcover]
Distributed Algorithms and Frameorks of Mobi...
Distributed Sensor Netorks: Technology and A...
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E-Learning Solutions for Students and Profess...
E-Learning: A Practical Guide [Hardcover]
Education and the Environment: Creating Ne P...
Education for Sustainable Development [Hardco
Education in a Digital World: Ne Platforms a...
Education: Applying Theoretical Perspectives...
Education: Theory, Concepts, Policies and App...
Educational Processes and Learning Methods [H...
Educational Research: Qualitative And Quantit...
Educational Technology in the 21st Century [H...
Electrical Engineering: Concepts and Applicat...
Electrical Systems Engineering: Design, Analy...
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Electroceramics: Materials, Properties and Ap...
Electrochemical Science: Advanced Principles...
Electrochemistry [Hardcover]
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Electronic Communications Engineering [Hardco
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Electronic and Digital Media [Hardcover]
Elements of Information Theory [Hardcover]
Embedded System Design [Hardcover]
Emerging Concepts and Practices of Educationa...
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Energy Conservation Systems: Concepts, Techno...
Engineering Design and Visualization Techniqu...
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Ethnography: A Global Outlook on Human Societ...
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Handbook of Chemical Biology [Hardcover]
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Human-Computer Interaction: Design, Developme...
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Integrated Research in Science and Technology...
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Interactive Communication Technologies for On...
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International Trade: Theory and Policy [Hardc
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Introduction to Combustion Science [Hardcover
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Introduction to Crystallography [Hardcover]
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Introduction to Glass Physics [Hardcover]
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Introduction to Linear Algebra [Hardcover]
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Introductory Statistics [Hardcover]
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Key Concepts in Urban Studies [Hardcover]
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Koha for Beginners [Hardcover]
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Laser Science and Applications [Hardcover]
Leisure and Tourism Economics [Hardcover]
Library Science: Data Collection, Development...
Library and Information Science [Hardcover]
Literary Studies in English [Hardcover]
Logistics Engineering and Management [Hardcov
Management Science: Theory And Applied Princi...
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Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Dec...
Managerial Economics: Theories and Analysis [...
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Media, Mass Communication and Society [Hardco
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Mobile Information Systems: Concepts and Appl...
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Modern Aerospace Engineering [Hardcover]
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Multimedia Technologies: Designs, Tools and A...
Nanocomposite Materials: Characterization And...
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Netork Security and Wireless Technology [Har...
Netorking, Models and Methods of Cloud Compu...
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Numerical Analysis: An Introduction [Hardcove
Online Learning and Teaching: Analysis and As...
Operations Management [Hardcover]
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Operations Research: Methodologies and Applic...
Optical Physics and Engineering [Hardcover]
Optical Systems and Wireless Communications [...
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations [...
Organic Chemistry: An Introduction [Hardcover
Organic Chemistry: Concepts, Methods and Appl...
Organic Chemistry: Synthesis, Structures And...
Organic Chemistry: The Basics [Hardcover]
Organic and Inorganic Nanostructures [Hardcov
Organizational Management and Entrepreneurshi...
Organizational and Business Management [Hardc
Parallel Computing: Concepts and Applications...
Particle Physics: Concepts and Applications [...
Performance Analysis of Mobile and Wireless N...
Philosophy: Elements and Theories [Hardcover]
Photocatalysis: Principles and Applications [...
Photodetectors: Technology and Applications [...
Photonics and Electronics: Emerging Tools, Te...
Photonics: Concepts, Technology and Applicati...
Physical Chemistry and its Applications [Hard...
Physical Chemistry: A Comprehensive Approach...
Physical Mathematics [Hardcover]
Physical Metallurgy [Hardcover]
Physics of Atoms and Molecules [Hardcover]
Physics: Advanced Concepts and Applications [...
Political Science and Policy Making: Internat...
Political Theory and International Relations...
Polymer Processing and Characterization [Hard...
Poer Electronics [Hardcover]
Poer Electronics: Emerging Technologies and...
Poer Systems: Control, Design and Technology...
Practical Management Science [Hardcover]
Practical Pedagogy: Innovative Teaching and L...
Predictive Analytics and Data Optimization [H...
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Public and Nonprofit Organizations: Theory an...
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Railay Engineering: Design, Construction and...
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Recent Progress in Quantum Physics [Hardcover
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Resource and Security Management in Electroni...
Sales Management: Strategies and Processes [H...
Sensor Technology: Design and Analysis [Hardc
Signal Processing Techniques in Wireless Comm...
Significance of Information Technology for Le...
Social Psychology [Hardcover]
Social Psychology and Behavioral Science [Har...
Social Psychology: Global Perspectives [Hardc
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Social Science and Human Behavior [Hardcover]
Social Science: Qualitative and Quantitative...
Softare Architecture [Hardcover]
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Softare Engineering: Theory and Practice [Ha...
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Standards and Applications of Mobile Learning...
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Sustainable Urban Design and Architecture [Ha...
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Teacher Training: Classroom Interventions [Ha...
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Teaching and Learning Spaces: Dynamics and De...
Teaching and Learning: Principles and Practic...
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Theory and Applied Principles of Condensed Ma...
Thermodynamics: Diverse Concepts and Applicat...
Tools, Concepts and Applications of Biochemic...
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Tourism, Hospitality and Travel Industry [Har...
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Unmanned Air Vehicles: Design, Development an...
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Urban Studies And Development [Hardcover]
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Wireless Sensor Netorks: Architectures, Prot...
Wireless Technology: Design, Tools and Techni...
Work and Quality of Life [Hardcover]
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